Most of the blog entries were synthesized from various works. The original intent is to clarify for myself the information that had come. There was a need to ensure the integrity of the information received by cross checking them with others. With Theosophy and Ageless Wisdom as the basic framework, the “new information” must be in harmony. It must also resonate with a deeper reality within. I am sharing this synthesis with the view that it also assists the reader in clarifying and discerning for him/herself the truth, relative as it may seem.

The root doctrine of Ageless Wisdom is also the basis of the “esoteric (hidden) traditions” of most major world religions:
1. Cabbala of Judaism
2. Ancient Gnosticism, Essenes and Nazarene, and the Medieval Rosicrucian and Masonry in Christianity
3. What HP Blavatsky called “Esoteric Buddhism”
4. Sufism in Islam
5. Vedanta, Upanishads and Yoga of Hinduism

In the late 19th century, Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891)reintroduced the Ageless Wisdom through various works, such as “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled.” She called it "Theosophy;" she also established the Theosophical Society, under the guidance of Ascended Masters known to the world as Masters Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Khul (who purportedly appeared to the world as the Three Magi during the birth of Jesus).

Blavatsky claimed her main source as an ancient book called "The Book of Dzyan" (from the Sanskrit Dhayana, meaning "mystic meditation"). In c. 400 BC, the book found its way as the Chinese "C'han Philosophy" and the Japanese "Zen," both of which took root from Buddhism.

Blavatsky also wrote "The Voice of the Silence," derived from "The Book of the Golden Precepts," which she claimed had the same origin as the "Book of Dzyan." Many of the Golden Precepts can be read in the Bhagavad Gita. Another book, "Light on the Path," written by Mabel Collins, was also derived from this source. A third book, "At the Feet of the Master," written by J. Krisnamurti (at 15 years old) completes a trilogy, considered as the basic tenets of “Theosophy.”

After Blavatsky died, the society underwent changes and spawned several other groups, such as the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn (MacGregor Mathers), Fraternity of the Inner Light (Dion Fortune), the “new” Rosicrucians and “Masonry,” the Anthroposophical Society (Rudolf Steiner) and the World Order of the Star (J. Khrishnamurti).

Alice A. Bailey, formerly an associate of Theosophical Society, also spun off with her Lucis Trust. She authored 24 books on esoteric philosophy, guided by Master Djwal Khul (DK) for 30 years (1919-1949) on a more advanced presentation of the Ageless Wisdom. She founded the Arcane School, training aspiring world servers in esoteric work.

After Bailey, several "guided" authors advanced the Ageless Wisdom. The information from these authors was the basis for the Ageless Wisdom Updates.

Among the major sources for this synthesis are the writings of/from H.P. Blavatsky, C.D. Leadbeater and Douglas Baker of the Theosophical Society; Alice A. Bailey of the Lucis Trust; Janet MacClure of the Tibetan Foundation; Hilary Hargreaves and Mark Brittain of the School of Inner Light; Genesis 2012; Kryon, through Carroll Lee; and the Pleiadians, through Barbara Marciniak & Amorah Quan Yin. The sources were appropriately labeled.

This synthesis is divided (initially) into 5 parts:
Part I - The Logos and Creation (Planes, Dimensions, and Human Evolution)
Part II - The 12 Rays and Spiritual Hierarchy
Part III - Cosmic Humans/Groups & Elohims, Archangels and Secret Rays
Part IV - Humans: Chakras (Centers), DNA, Electromagnetic Forces, Light Bodies, Layers of Consciousness
Part V - Updates and further elaboration of the 4 Parts.
-- Earth, DNA and Humanity (3 Part Series)
-- Ageless Wisdom and the Book of Revelation (3 Part Series)
-- Esoteric Astrology (3 Part Series)
-- Global Calamities and Human Evolution (3 Part Series)

The presentations (entries) are from newest to oldest. That is, Part I is the earliest and thus the oldest entry.

Discernment is very important when dealing with Ageless Wisdom. Mastership, from the viewpoint of the Master DK, is about "mastery of oneself" and not about "having pupils." (DK's Introduction in Violet Starre's "The Diamond Light,"2000)

Dion Fortune (in "The Esoteric Orders and Their Works," p. 83) explained: “upon the mundane plane, it is impossible to escape from the limitations of the human personalities. A great occultist will make a great occult school, but upon his death the mantle may fall upon unworthy shoulders and the glory be departed or turned to corruption.” Fortune added: some (mystery schools) have flourished unchecked, feared and revered by the people they guided, sometimes fallen into evil ways as the degenerated voodoo schools. Some retained a noble tradition as in certain Indian and Chinese schools and monastic orders, accepted as part of racial life.

In the words of Khrisnamurti (“The First and Last Freedom”): “It is through self-knowledge, not through belief in somebody else’s symbols, that a man comes to the eternal reality, in which he is being grounded...Our system of upbringing is based upon what to think, not how to think.”

In the words of the Master DK, the Tibetan (Introduction of AABailey Books, 1935) who inspired this synthesis: “the books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may or may not be correct, true and useful…If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the seeker in the world, and bring a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise.”

From Master Kuthumi (through Michelle Eloff): “A liberated spirit never needs to hold onto anything because every moment provides what is needed, because the moment is perfect… your daily purpose makes up for your greater purpose on Earth. Do not waste time searching for the grand purpose of your life. Be present and embrace the purpose of the moment. Every moment has a purpose, which is why you are in it.”

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Part II - A: The Rays & Spiritual Hierarchy

The Creator divided the energy patterns here into 7 distinct varieties. Our planet, a sentient and evolving life-form, has a special relationship with the 2nd Ray, known as the Ray of Divine Wisdom, which supports the purpose for which the Earth has manifested. Together with the 1st (Divine Will) and 3rd (Active Intelligence) Rays, the 3 Rays have the greatest influence on Earth’s spiritual evolution and in turn affect the nature of the growth and development of all life-forms evolving upon her.

Upon the planet, the 7 types of Energy (Rays) are not equally distributed, but are in separate streams and they affect some countries more than others. There are also other combinations of Energies (than those on Earth). Normally, the Rays influence about 50 miles around each direction, but varies with time and intensity of application. As the Earth herself is shifting in her magnitude, so the vibrations of the rays are changing from country to country, for the collective consciousness of each country holds the energy vibration that is imbued with both the higher and lower aspects of the related ray.

What is happening with the energy of the rays on Earth is that the higher aspects to the vibrational qualities of these rays (particularly, the vibrations of the 8th to the 10th to the 12th rays are being activated and actualized on this Earth plane. Since 1994, these higher rays (8-12) have been available for all of humanity. They carry a higher quotient of Source Light and do not have the dualities inherent in the first seven rays. Many of the star children have come through, through the energy of these higher rays, and thus do not experience the level of duality that many of the older Light Workers have experienced in this lifetime.

The Solar Logos
The Solar Trinity or Logoi
I The Father ..........................Will
II The Son ............................ Love/Wisdom
III The Holy Spirit..................... Active Intelligence

The Seven Rays

Three Rays of Aspect:
I. Will or Power II. Love/Wisdom III. Active Intelligence

Four Rays of Attribute:
IV. Harmony or Beauty
V. Concrete Knowledge
VI. Devotion or Idealism
VII. Ceremonial Law or Magic
Sanat Kumara
(The Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, the One Initiator)

The Three Exoteric Kumaras
First Second Third

Reflections of the three Major and Four Minor Rays

The Three Major Departmental Heads:

I. Will Aspect: Manu - Master Jupiter;
Chohan Master El Morya
II. Love/Wisdom Aspect: Planetary Christ - Lord Maitreya;
Chohan Master Kuthumi
Master Djwhal Khul
III. Intelligence Aspect: The Mahachohan;
Chohan - the Venetian Master Paul
IV. Chohan Master Serapis Bey
V. Chohan Master Hilarion
VI. Chohan Master Jesus
VII. Chohan - Master Rakoczi (Germain)

Four Grades of Initiates

Various grades of disciples

People on the probationary path

Average Humanity of all degrees

Upon Earth the Rays had been channeled through the Spiritual Hierarchy, with each of the rays having at its head (Chohan or overseer) an Ascended Master of great experience in working with that Ray energy. The Spiritual Hierarchy consists of a group of dedicated Workers who seek to aid the implementation of the Creator's Plan upon Earth. Some work is with Humanity but some is not. Those within the Hierarchy, for the most part, have completed their earthly experiences and chose to remain near and aid the Earth. Millions of years ago, Kumara and six other Holy Kumaras (Cosmic Buddhas) the governing council of the Venusians, came to Earth and guide its spiritual evolution. Three of the Kumaras are known as Exoteric Kumaras.

Sanat Kumara is the head of our planetary spiritual hierarchy and works with the support of the 6 other planetary Logoi (or kumaras) and the Higher aspects of the Manu, (1st Ray) the Christ, (2nd Ray) and the Mahachohan (Lord of Civilization, 3rd Ray), under the direction of Helios, our Solar Logos. He is also under the guidance of Vywamus, His Higher Self, or Monadic (Soul-group) Self. Each of the Kumaras is a conduit for the energy of one of the 7 rays, although each of them also acts as a distributing force for the others (Note: According to a channeled information from Michelle Coutant in October 2010, Sanat Kumara have moved on his evolution, in training to become a Solar Logos. It is the path of embodying a solar system, of supporting and being the very essence of the intricate workings of this solar system. The new Planetary Logos is the Buddha.)

The Ascended Masters attend and support us in many aspects of our learning and growth throughout daily life, even though they are usually unseen and unacknowledged. All are open to our requests for assistance and help, although they may not step in and act without our consent - so we do need to ask, and work consciously with them to gain the most benefit.

From a human perspective, the following applies to an incarnate (Bailey):

1. The Spirit (Monad; Higher Self of the Higher Self or 'Oversoul') always has a Ray one of the first 3 Rays (1, 2, 3). But as the New Age approaches, with the spiraling forward of Earth, some reallignment may be happening. The Earth is a small planet within the whole Cosmos; what It is experiencing is a reflection of what is going on at a much Higher Level (Galactic). Although the Monadic Ray never changes, some Monads are switching in emphasis to the 2nd and the 7th Ray. According to Baker, there are some 63 thousand million human monads working through our planetary system. Some 3 thousand million are on the 1st Ray. The rest are almost evenly divided between the 2nd and 3rd Rays.

2. The soul can be in any (1-7); changing to one of the first 3 in discipleship.
3. The personality as a whole is in one of the seven Rays; while its 3 components – Mind, Emotion and Physical Body – respond to a specific ray; any one of these can remain unchanging for more than one incarnation, but usually changes according to the Soul’s need for experience. (Genesis 2012)

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