Most of the blog entries were synthesized from various works. The original intent is to clarify for myself the information that had come. There was a need to ensure the integrity of the information received by cross checking them with others. With Theosophy and Ageless Wisdom as the basic framework, the “new information” must be in harmony. It must also resonate with a deeper reality within. I am sharing this synthesis with the view that it also assists the reader in clarifying and discerning for him/herself the truth, relative as it may seem.

The root doctrine of Ageless Wisdom is also the basis of the “esoteric (hidden) traditions” of most major world religions:
1. Cabbala of Judaism
2. Ancient Gnosticism, Essenes and Nazarene, and the Medieval Rosicrucian and Masonry in Christianity
3. What HP Blavatsky called “Esoteric Buddhism”
4. Sufism in Islam
5. Vedanta, Upanishads and Yoga of Hinduism

In the late 19th century, Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891)reintroduced the Ageless Wisdom through various works, such as “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled.” She called it "Theosophy;" she also established the Theosophical Society, under the guidance of Ascended Masters known to the world as Masters Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Khul (who purportedly appeared to the world as the Three Magi during the birth of Jesus).

Blavatsky claimed her main source as an ancient book called "The Book of Dzyan" (from the Sanskrit Dhayana, meaning "mystic meditation"). In c. 400 BC, the book found its way as the Chinese "C'han Philosophy" and the Japanese "Zen," both of which took root from Buddhism.

Blavatsky also wrote "The Voice of the Silence," derived from "The Book of the Golden Precepts," which she claimed had the same origin as the "Book of Dzyan." Many of the Golden Precepts can be read in the Bhagavad Gita. Another book, "Light on the Path," written by Mabel Collins, was also derived from this source. A third book, "At the Feet of the Master," written by J. Krisnamurti (at 15 years old) completes a trilogy, considered as the basic tenets of “Theosophy.”

After Blavatsky died, the society underwent changes and spawned several other groups, such as the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn (MacGregor Mathers), Fraternity of the Inner Light (Dion Fortune), the “new” Rosicrucians and “Masonry,” the Anthroposophical Society (Rudolf Steiner) and the World Order of the Star (J. Khrishnamurti).

Alice A. Bailey, formerly an associate of Theosophical Society, also spun off with her Lucis Trust. She authored 24 books on esoteric philosophy, guided by Master Djwal Khul (DK) for 30 years (1919-1949) on a more advanced presentation of the Ageless Wisdom. She founded the Arcane School, training aspiring world servers in esoteric work.

After Bailey, several "guided" authors advanced the Ageless Wisdom. The information from these authors was the basis for the Ageless Wisdom Updates.

Among the major sources for this synthesis are the writings of/from H.P. Blavatsky, C.D. Leadbeater and Douglas Baker of the Theosophical Society; Alice A. Bailey of the Lucis Trust; Janet MacClure of the Tibetan Foundation; Hilary Hargreaves and Mark Brittain of the School of Inner Light; Genesis 2012; Kryon, through Carroll Lee; and the Pleiadians, through Barbara Marciniak & Amorah Quan Yin. The sources were appropriately labeled.

This synthesis is divided (initially) into 5 parts:
Part I - The Logos and Creation (Planes, Dimensions, and Human Evolution)
Part II - The 12 Rays and Spiritual Hierarchy
Part III - Cosmic Humans/Groups & Elohims, Archangels and Secret Rays
Part IV - Humans: Chakras (Centers), DNA, Electromagnetic Forces, Light Bodies, Layers of Consciousness
Part V - Updates and further elaboration of the 4 Parts.
-- Earth, DNA and Humanity (3 Part Series)
-- Ageless Wisdom and the Book of Revelation (3 Part Series)
-- Esoteric Astrology (3 Part Series)
-- Global Calamities and Human Evolution (3 Part Series)

The presentations (entries) are from newest to oldest. That is, Part I is the earliest and thus the oldest entry.

Discernment is very important when dealing with Ageless Wisdom. Mastership, from the viewpoint of the Master DK, is about "mastery of oneself" and not about "having pupils." (DK's Introduction in Violet Starre's "The Diamond Light,"2000)

Dion Fortune (in "The Esoteric Orders and Their Works," p. 83) explained: “upon the mundane plane, it is impossible to escape from the limitations of the human personalities. A great occultist will make a great occult school, but upon his death the mantle may fall upon unworthy shoulders and the glory be departed or turned to corruption.” Fortune added: some (mystery schools) have flourished unchecked, feared and revered by the people they guided, sometimes fallen into evil ways as the degenerated voodoo schools. Some retained a noble tradition as in certain Indian and Chinese schools and monastic orders, accepted as part of racial life.

In the words of Khrisnamurti (“The First and Last Freedom”): “It is through self-knowledge, not through belief in somebody else’s symbols, that a man comes to the eternal reality, in which he is being grounded...Our system of upbringing is based upon what to think, not how to think.”

In the words of the Master DK, the Tibetan (Introduction of AABailey Books, 1935) who inspired this synthesis: “the books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may or may not be correct, true and useful…If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the seeker in the world, and bring a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise.”

From Master Kuthumi (through Michelle Eloff): “A liberated spirit never needs to hold onto anything because every moment provides what is needed, because the moment is perfect… your daily purpose makes up for your greater purpose on Earth. Do not waste time searching for the grand purpose of your life. Be present and embrace the purpose of the moment. Every moment has a purpose, which is why you are in it.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Esoteric Astrology, Part 3: Genetics and Evolution of Life

This is Part 3 of 3 parts, focused on genetics and Esoteric Psychology. Based from recent findings on Genetics, the objectives of this presentation are: (1) to reconcile the Creation theory and Evolution theory; and (2) to explain biblical “mysteries,” such as the role of Nefilims and the mark of the beast (666).

A.  The Genetic Story

1. All living organisms consist of cells, which contain water, nucleic acids, proteins and carbohydrates. Within the cell nucleus is the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a sugar compound composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. In other combinations, these elements simply exist. However, in the DNA, they have an ability to reproduce and develop according to a code, called genes (growth pattern). The ribonucleic acid (RNA) transcribes the DNA code, for the production of cells according to the genes. The miracle of DNA is that it can turn totally abstract messages from a level of silent intelligence into life. Apparently, it is manipulating molecules into rhythm or vibrations that are decoded in time (with time riding on a molecule). The (pure and abstract) signals transmitted by the DNA are decoded into light, texture, smell, sound, etc. The brain (itself riding on the DNA) turns the signals into real events in time and space. The DNA is the “microchip” of life, reflecting evolution history since the beginning of life.

2. From conception to birth, all billions of DNA bits in an unborn child act as one. The organism starts from a single cell – the union of the sperm from dad and the egg from mom. In this “primordial cell,” the distinct DNA code (unique inherent traits) for the organism had already been spelled out. Within the cell, two poles form, active and passive, and the genes become polarized between them; the cell splits into two, then four, eight, sixteen and so on. At about the eight day, the ovum, having multiplied hundred times, emerges from the fallopian tube and links with the walls of the uterus. At one month, the development of the embryo begins, although undistinguishable from those of a frog, horse or chicken. At two months, the embryo is aquatic, possessing gills and fins and dwelling in the amniotic fluid. Then human heredity takes over, with the dominance of the maternal liver and pancreas. At four months, the lung system forms in preparation for breathing; independent circulation is established and the fetus acquires involuntary movement. At nine months, it is born into the world; henceforth, it is nourished by air, food and sunlight. It is a human being, unfolding according to the DNA’s time-table and environmental signals.[1]

3. Paleontologists deduced that the modern man stemmed from a hypothetical female “Eve” from Africa at least 200,000 years ago. Eve carried a particular type of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene passed only through females. The mitochondrion is the cell powerhouse that produces the electricity, ATP. All humans today carried that mtDNA.   From Africa, a wave of Homo sapiens migrated to Asia and Australia 80,000 years ago. In c. 75,000 BC, they moved to the Middle East, but were prevented to go to Europe because of vast deserts. Favorable climactic conditions 50,000 years ago enabled a colony to push to Europe, during the Upper Paleolithic.[2] The changes in traits were due to environmental adaptation.

4. In 1962, Dr. Charles Coon, curator of ethnology and professor of anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania Museum had the view that: “man divided into five races or subspecies…and…then developed almost independently. Homo erectus evolved into Homo sapiens…not once but five times as each subspecies passed the critical intelligence threshold…” The races are white, black, red, brown and yellow.[3]

5. F. Clark Howell and T.D. White of the University of California and Berkeley stated: “these people (homo sapiens sapiens) and their initial maternal culture appear with seeming suddenness just over 30,000 years ago”[4] Max Flindt stated that man has 312 distinct differences from other primates, not only in his skeletal structure, but also in his brain mass and weight. Also, only humans produced geniuses like Einstein, Da Vinci and Shakespeare. A genius chimpanzee could probably only go as far as read and write with grade three children.[5]

6. With reference to Darwin’s evolution theory, scientists ask: if humans developed purely through survival of the fittest, then his intelligence ought to be proportional to the challenges he had to overcome. But his brain has a complexity out of proportion to survival. Why has it evolved so fast, when there was no biological need? For example, calculation is recent in the evolutionary sense. Our ancestors of a few thousand years ago could not count beyond their fingers. Yet, child prodigies can work out sums of enormous numbers inside their heads in seconds.[6] Another objection relates to random mutation. The climate gets colder and it is the polar bear with the thickest coat that survives. Darwin’s assumption is that mutation occurs more or less exactly when required. But an ice age can arrive with such a catastrophic suddenness that natural selection would not have time to work. All the bears would freeze to death.[7]

7. In February 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium scientists published details of their DNA sequence analysis.[8] They confirmed that there was one source of DNA for all life on Earth and traced the evolutionary process, i.e., how more complex organisms evolved from simpler ones, adopting at each stage the genes of a lower life, culminating with the Homo sapiens. In tracing the vertical evolutionary record contained in the human and other genomes analyzed, they ran into an enigma. The human genome contains 223 genes without the required predecessors on the genomic evolutionary tree. In the evolutionary progression from bacteria to invertebrates (worms, insects), then to vertebrates (mice, chimpanzees) and finally modern humans, these 223 genes are missing in the invertebrate phase. Humans acquired an extra 223 genes not vertically through gradual evolution, but horizontally, as a sideways insertion of genes from bacteria. Unless the human species was an accidental infusion of genes from bacteria, the other possible conclusion: “gods” merged their genes with the Homo erectus.

B. Human Hologram

1. In 1947, Dennis Gabor earned a Nobel Prize for his discovery of holography. In a hologram, records of laser light patterns of an object are projected from a glass plate. The result is a three-dimensional image of that object seen from any vantage point. X-ray holography permits a 3-D view of human cells. Computer graphics can create 3-D from two-dimensional data programmed in a computer.[9] An amazing characteristic of a hologram is that if the one-half of the hologram “plate” is projected, the outcome is not a half image, but one-half the size of that image, with the whole image held intact. One-forth of the “plate patterns” would show one-forth the size of the whole image, and so on.

2. The DNA of a human being may be a hologram or microchip of nature, storing, not only the pattern of the human being, but the story of all creation. Cracking the code of the DNA not only provides information about the potential of the person and his parentage, but about life itself and its ultimate source. How can the DNA code be opened to unravel the mystery of creation?  How can the “Original Sin” be expurgated? Recent scientific discoveries matched with the New Testament could provide the clues.

3. In his theory on recapitulation, Ernst Haeckel, said that the embryo repeats the sequence of evolution. First it undergoes the fish stage in the placenta. It does not need the gills since it is nourished via the umbilical cord, but it is a necessary sequence of creation and evolution. Then it develops the brain stem and medulla of the vertebrates; followed by the cerebellum of the reptiles, the cerebrum (or limbic system) of the mammals, until finally, the cortex, the thinking part and the neo-cortex, the reflective part, which are traits of a Homo sapiens.[10] 

4. Nature obviously knows just what to do, with aspects of nature inter-related in a sublimely coordinated system. According to Madeleine Nash, the baby’s growth is a “dance,” with the DNA responding to the music of the environment. Thus, “a baby does not come into the world as a genetically programmed automaton or a blank slate at the mercy of the environment.” And, “the debate that engaged countless generations of philosophers –whether nature or nurture calls the shots, no longer interest most scientists. They are much too busy chronicling the ways in which genes and the environment interact.” [11]  Accordingly, an embryo’s brain produces many more neurons (nerve cells) than it needs, but eliminates the excess. Shortly after birth, a baby’s brain again produces trillions more connections between neurons. Afterwards, in a process similar to Darwinian competition, the brain eliminates connections (synapses) that are seldom or never used.

5. Around the age ten, the excess synapses in a child’s brain undergo another draconian pruning, leaving behind a pattern of emotion and thought that are, for better or worse, unique. The pruning, I suppose, happens during “acculturation,” resulting in a deviation from “what is natural.” Every child has shared experiences of being touched by angels, fairies and other nature spirits. However, as the baby is soon nurtured in the socio-cultural tradition of its parents, it acquires a “persona,” a public image independent from “nature,” while its earlier experiences are relegated as pigments of the imagination.

C.    DNA and Culture

1. Biologically, the human race is one genetic species. The color of the skin is only a difference of pigmentation, similar to the color of the furs among siblings from the same mother dog. Fat or thin, tall or short, blond or black and other biological differences among humans are merely DNA genetic strains from the same Mother Eve. A human is also born in tune with nature’s ways, with capacities aligned with deeper dimensions. It is not only a sponge that absorbs things that parents, peers, teachers and other grown-ups impart. It has deeper feelings and insights and responds to a reservoir of deeper realities.

2. Deepak Chopra (in Quantum Healing) shared that kittens are born with their eyes shut and their optic nerves undeveloped. When they open their eyes, the mechanism for sight matures at the same time. The critical period of seeing actual shapes causes the inter-neural connections in the brain that makes sight possible. If a kitten were blindfolded for two or three days when it first opened its eyes, the animal would be blind for life. This showed that nature and nurture are essential. The kitten’s brain is programmed for sight, but requires actual seeing for the programming to unfold properly.[12]

3. The human brain may have been limited in the same way. Many things don’t exist for people not because they are unreal, but because the brain has not been shaped to perceive them. People are like radios stuck with three channels – waking, sleeping and dreaming, unaware of realms beyond time and space. The link to deeper realms was overlaid by the unnatural world of human societies. People become conditioned in cultural patterns and belief systems not founded on natural laws. I suppose, the truth was veiled by “adult ways” anchored on separateness rather than unity with nature.

4. Species take care of their own species. This is a natural law imprinted in the DNA. Placental mammals take care of their young and their pack. Humans have acquired the capacity to think in terms of the general welfare. However, the seeds of superiority (and separation) were somehow introduced, causing the inter-racial, religious and political “artificial divides.” Because of the artificial divides, the human species had violated the natural law for preservation of the species. Civilizations, by virtue of loyalty to race, culture, religion or country, had subjugated or annihilated others. This folly of civilization had led to the great conflicts and historical genocides of the same species.

D.  Racial Memory

1. The records of ancient times maybe lodged in what psychologist Carl Jung termed as “collective unconscious.” A person, aside from being an individual man or woman, is also, in a sense, all men and all women. Against one’s individuality is set his shared humanity and shared maleness and femaleness. A person’s available brain cells were laid down three months before birth, however much they later branched and grew in contact with the world. The brain not only expresses the way an individual male or female learns, grows or fails; it is also the collective expression of men and women in flesh, of the long reproductive partnership that made the human species dominant in the planet.

2. How does one connect to the deeper source?  Everything in the world is a pattern (a waveform), which could be stored, and translated into other patterns or languages. Patterns form wholes. The computer can store waveforms from the physical world, decoded as a movie, song, or written document. Through the Internet, one could access or add into the storehouse of global information.

3. The cosmic picture as it appears has a hierarchical character, a progression of levels. Dimensional levels are differing base rate wavelengths. The difference between one dimension and another is in the basic length of its base waveform. In a TV or radio set, when one dials, a wavelength is picked up as a TV or radio program; as one changes channel, he tunes in to a different wavelength, a different program. As one goes up in the dimensional level, the wavelengths get shorter, with higher energy. I suppose, deeper dimensions would require a different dial, which the human being inherently possesses. The DNA is its link to its source; the human genes carry the beacon for transformation.

4. Thinking starts with a pattern observed or have come to the mind from the senses. It is most likely that a world of higher dimensions await further scientific discovery and evolution. Meanwhile, lacking recognition of such progressive order, the sciences chop segments out of the world, which cut across the direction of natural levels or stop short when, reaching a major change level, the phenomena become of quite a different type beyond the known scientific explanation.[13] This happened when Newtonian physics proved the supposition of Copernicus that the world was spherical, disproving the church theory of a flat earth; then the relativity theory and quantum physics replaced Newtonian physics to explain the quantum realm and virtual reality.

5. Racial memories are relived in children’s fantasies and reprised in mythology. In grown-ups, vague memories remain, prodding humans to quench their thirst for the truth through the sciences and to search for meaning through philosophy and the arts. Perhaps, to bring back memory recall, there may be a need to probe into the world of fantasy and mythology. The “fantasy” world happens to be the greatest source of inspiration for scientists and artists. The scientist probes with the mind. The artist feels the silent pulse, the primordial instincts. Through the mind, one could understand deeper realities; through the heart, one can touch base with the harmony of nature. Each person has the scientist and the artist in him, in varying degrees, with one or the other as dominant.

E. Original Sin

1. What was the original sin? How come a newly born baby, who had no knowledge of good and evil, already shared in the collective sin of mankind? From the Christian viewpoint, the idea was for man to have dominion over paradise and all its inhabitants. Supposedly, the original blueprint was for the Adam model to integrate all life forms, the culmination of the natural flow of creation (carried in the DNA). In the biblical creation story, Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, after being tempted by the serpent (considered as the devil). “And the Lord God has said, look the man has become as one of us, knowing good from evil: and now, what if he puts forth his hand, and takes also of the Tree of life, and eats and lives forever?” (Genesis 3: 22)

2. In evolution theory, eating from the tree of knowledge may imply the emergence of the neo-cortex, the reflective part of the brain. It appeared that mankind’s only sin was to be curious and to reflect. However, religious thinkers argued that Adam and Eve violated a commandment of God, by eating from the tree of knowledge, “lest they die.” It was an act of disobedience, construed as a “sin of pride.” Further, they equated “death” with mortality, in contrast to immortality.

3. Why were humans inhibited to partake of the Tree of Knowledge? Why can’t they also eat from the Tree of Life and become immortal? The biblical passage implied several things.
First, there was more than one “God” since He was talking to someone other than himself.

Second, the gods expressed concern that man had become like a god, exercising judgment like them.

Third, the gods expressed alarm over man’s possibly becoming immortal, another trait of the gods.

The gods did not want man to know the truth, i.e., the secret of immortality. The banishment from paradise was the severance of the link with deeper worlds. The gods in Genesis were not the Supreme Being. Further, the original sin was not a sin of mankind, but of the gods who distorted the truth. Apparently, those gods fought over control of human consciousness. Those on the side of darkness introduced the sense of separation. Those on the side of light introduced the seeds for wisdom, creativity and affection. Both seeds are in the human genome.

4.  Revelation 13:11-18 may be an allegory of the bloodline: the rise of a second beast,” which “exercises all authority of the first beast in its presence.” It “causes all…rich and poor…free and slave…to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for a mind of wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty six.” The number 666 may be the element carbon (6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons), the ingredient for DNA. The Nefilim genes were inserted in the human genome.

5. Paradise was lost: “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away” (Ecclesiastes 2: 15). Through the “original sin,” humanity was set “off the mark” not because Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, but rather because they were prevented from attaining their rightful heritage. Humanity was able to eat from the Tree of Knowledge; but was inhibited from eating from the Tree of Life, with the closure of Paradise.

F. Redemption and Ascension

1.        Perhaps, the subtlest legacy of the “gods” is the traits that had been pass on through genes. If man was created in “the image of God,” then those qualities should manifest. “Thus, it is written, ‘the first man Adam became a living being;’ the last Adam became a life giving spirit...the first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven” (1 Corinthian 15: 45-47). If the human genes were insertions by “gods” in the Homo erectus, then that genetic strain is just waiting for the environmental “trigger” to manifest. Humans were the “last Adam.” With simply material evolution the biochemistry of the world would attend to it without divine guidance and intervention. But humanity is continually manifesting traits of the “gods” as the DNA unfolds. “Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we also bear the image of the man in heaven.”  (1 Corinthian 15: 42-50). As the “last Adam,” each is a part of Life, not among a chosen few, but as a collective humanity from “heaven” so that the Tree of Life may bear fruit in the physical world.

2.     A veil of ignorance hid the truth. The illusion of separateness is still in the world of flesh. “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8: 16-21). “We know that we are of God, and the… world is in the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come and…given us understanding, to know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life” (1 John 17-20).

3.     Jesus purportedly died on the cross to “redeem” mankind from “sin.” How? He declared: “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10: 34). He fulfilled a prophecy in Isaiah 61:1-2: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18-19)

4.     The Christ, the morning star or Venus (“Love”) in Revelations 22:16 was the bridge that linked humanity to the next higher dimensions. “I have come as light of the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness” (John 12: 46). By providing the template of Love, the Christ enabled greater light to enter the world: “to all who receive him, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, neither of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth…glory of the only Son from the Father” (John 1: 9-14).

5. Within the whole scheme, there must be a great chain or hierarchy of being, expressing the psychology of God in some capacity and degree. This hierarchy is reflected in the world through the hierarchical nature of living things, i.e., minerals, plants, animals, and humans. A higher level beyond humans must exist, a kingdom of super-humans or Masters, which were described in ancient mythologies as responsible for the molding of the human species. All units are working towards one great purpose – to make Earth a great station of light. But to do this within the Plan and at the same time to recognize the basic synthesis in which each one live and move, the human being must learn to analyze, discriminate and discern those aspects, qualities and forces which must be creatively used in the materialization of the intuited Plan and the sensed vision.

6. When the veil is removed, one may transcend. “And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthian 3: 17-18).

[1] Rodney Collins, The Theory of Celestial Influence, Arkana Penguin Books, London, 1954, p. 156-158

[2] Discovery Channel, The Real Eve, Discovery Channel Video, Bethesda, 2002

[3] Dr. Carleton S. Coon, “The Origin of Races” (1962), quoted from the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia, May 2, 1963 in Edgar Evans Cayce, Cayce on Atlantis, Warner Books, New York, 1968, p. 55

[4] William Bramley, The Gods of Eden, Avon Books, New York, 1990, p 30.

[5] Max Flindt, On Tip Toe Beyond Darwin, in David St. Claire, The Psychic World of California, p. 136

[6] Colin Wilson, Mysteries, Perigree Books, New York, 1978, p. 510; Thompson, p. 185-186

[7] Stan Gooch, Personality and Evolution (1973), quoted in Wilson, Mysteries, p. 511

[8] Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics, “Working Draft Sequence Analysis Papersin Nature (Feb. 15, 2001) and Science (Feb. 16, 2001); (

[9] John Caulfield, The Wonder of Holography, National Geographic, March 1984, pp. 364-377

[10] Ernst Haeckel’s “recapitulation theory”  described in Carl Sagan, The Dragons of Eden, Ballantine Books, NY, p. 59

[11] Madeleine Nash, Fertile Minds, Time Magazine, February 24, 1997

[12] Deepak Chopra, MD, Quantum Healing, Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, Bantam Books, USA, 1989

[13] Benjamin Lee Whorf, “Language, Mind and Reality,”  in Robert Ornstein, ed., The Nature of Human Consciousness, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1973, p. 327

[14] Hesiod, Theogony, quoted in Guirand, “Greek Mythology,” The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, pp. 90-91.

[15] Max Fauconnet, “Mythology of the Two Americas,” in The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, p. 450

[16] Druvalo Melchisedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. I, Light Tech. Publishing, AZ, 1998, p. 56-57

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