Most of the blog entries were synthesized from various works. The original intent is to clarify for myself the information that had come. There was a need to ensure the integrity of the information received by cross checking them with others. With Theosophy and Ageless Wisdom as the basic framework, the “new information” must be in harmony. It must also resonate with a deeper reality within. I am sharing this synthesis with the view that it also assists the reader in clarifying and discerning for him/herself the truth, relative as it may seem.

The root doctrine of Ageless Wisdom is also the basis of the “esoteric (hidden) traditions” of most major world religions:
1. Cabbala of Judaism
2. Ancient Gnosticism, Essenes and Nazarene, and the Medieval Rosicrucian and Masonry in Christianity
3. What HP Blavatsky called “Esoteric Buddhism”
4. Sufism in Islam
5. Vedanta, Upanishads and Yoga of Hinduism

In the late 19th century, Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891)reintroduced the Ageless Wisdom through various works, such as “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled.” She called it "Theosophy;" she also established the Theosophical Society, under the guidance of Ascended Masters known to the world as Masters Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Khul (who purportedly appeared to the world as the Three Magi during the birth of Jesus).

Blavatsky claimed her main source as an ancient book called "The Book of Dzyan" (from the Sanskrit Dhayana, meaning "mystic meditation"). In c. 400 BC, the book found its way as the Chinese "C'han Philosophy" and the Japanese "Zen," both of which took root from Buddhism.

Blavatsky also wrote "The Voice of the Silence," derived from "The Book of the Golden Precepts," which she claimed had the same origin as the "Book of Dzyan." Many of the Golden Precepts can be read in the Bhagavad Gita. Another book, "Light on the Path," written by Mabel Collins, was also derived from this source. A third book, "At the Feet of the Master," written by J. Krisnamurti (at 15 years old) completes a trilogy, considered as the basic tenets of “Theosophy.”

After Blavatsky died, the society underwent changes and spawned several other groups, such as the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn (MacGregor Mathers), Fraternity of the Inner Light (Dion Fortune), the “new” Rosicrucians and “Masonry,” the Anthroposophical Society (Rudolf Steiner) and the World Order of the Star (J. Khrishnamurti).

Alice A. Bailey, formerly an associate of Theosophical Society, also spun off with her Lucis Trust. She authored 24 books on esoteric philosophy, guided by Master Djwal Khul (DK) for 30 years (1919-1949) on a more advanced presentation of the Ageless Wisdom. She founded the Arcane School, training aspiring world servers in esoteric work.

After Bailey, several "guided" authors advanced the Ageless Wisdom. The information from these authors was the basis for the Ageless Wisdom Updates.

Among the major sources for this synthesis are the writings of/from H.P. Blavatsky, C.D. Leadbeater and Douglas Baker of the Theosophical Society; Alice A. Bailey of the Lucis Trust; Janet MacClure of the Tibetan Foundation; Hilary Hargreaves and Mark Brittain of the School of Inner Light; Genesis 2012; Kryon, through Carroll Lee; and the Pleiadians, through Barbara Marciniak & Amorah Quan Yin. The sources were appropriately labeled.

This synthesis is divided (initially) into 5 parts:
Part I - The Logos and Creation (Planes, Dimensions, and Human Evolution)
Part II - The 12 Rays and Spiritual Hierarchy
Part III - Cosmic Humans/Groups & Elohims, Archangels and Secret Rays
Part IV - Humans: Chakras (Centers), DNA, Electromagnetic Forces, Light Bodies, Layers of Consciousness
Part V - Updates and further elaboration of the 4 Parts.
-- Earth, DNA and Humanity (3 Part Series)
-- Ageless Wisdom and the Book of Revelation (3 Part Series)
-- Esoteric Astrology (3 Part Series)
-- Global Calamities and Human Evolution (3 Part Series)

The presentations (entries) are from newest to oldest. That is, Part I is the earliest and thus the oldest entry.

Discernment is very important when dealing with Ageless Wisdom. Mastership, from the viewpoint of the Master DK, is about "mastery of oneself" and not about "having pupils." (DK's Introduction in Violet Starre's "The Diamond Light,"2000)

Dion Fortune (in "The Esoteric Orders and Their Works," p. 83) explained: “upon the mundane plane, it is impossible to escape from the limitations of the human personalities. A great occultist will make a great occult school, but upon his death the mantle may fall upon unworthy shoulders and the glory be departed or turned to corruption.” Fortune added: some (mystery schools) have flourished unchecked, feared and revered by the people they guided, sometimes fallen into evil ways as the degenerated voodoo schools. Some retained a noble tradition as in certain Indian and Chinese schools and monastic orders, accepted as part of racial life.

In the words of Khrisnamurti (“The First and Last Freedom”): “It is through self-knowledge, not through belief in somebody else’s symbols, that a man comes to the eternal reality, in which he is being grounded...Our system of upbringing is based upon what to think, not how to think.”

In the words of the Master DK, the Tibetan (Introduction of AABailey Books, 1935) who inspired this synthesis: “the books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may or may not be correct, true and useful…If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the seeker in the world, and bring a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise.”

From Master Kuthumi (through Michelle Eloff): “A liberated spirit never needs to hold onto anything because every moment provides what is needed, because the moment is perfect… your daily purpose makes up for your greater purpose on Earth. Do not waste time searching for the grand purpose of your life. Be present and embrace the purpose of the moment. Every moment has a purpose, which is why you are in it.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Esoteric Psychology, Part I: The Personality, Soul and Spirit

This is a 3-Part series on Esoteric Psychology. This first part focused on the relationship among the Personality, the soul and the Spirit. The second part provided details on the Personality as it relates to the World. the third part discussed the bridging of the Soul with the Personality and the next steps towards the Spirit-Self (Monad).

                 Esoteric psychology refers to the study of mysticism, i.e., the various mystical traditions, such as Yoga, Hermetics, Sufism, and the Cabbala. While it is not exactly a science in the tradition of the scientific world, it constitutes a process of investigation and involves a discipline of discernment, in contrast to blind faith. The major proponents of esoteric psychology were Alice Bailey and Douglas Baker. Both made extensive reference to Helena P. Blavatsky’s book, “The Secret Doctrine.”[1] The closest link to esoteric psychology is the Analytical Psychology of Carl Jung, a pioneer in relating the present man to his ancestors.[2]

Human Reflection

                Most humans have the presumptuous view that they are the most evolved species on earth. What does it take to be human? What does a human being have as a distinctive competence among all other species? 

    Humans have emotions and enormous capacity to love? That’s instinct. Every mother bird, ant, tiger, monkey or whale is capable of rearing their young until the “child” becomes capable on its own. Animals too know when its time for mating. The bees do it; the birds do it. They simply follow the patterns, that is, the season for mating and pro-creation of their own species, like we do in our own.

                Humans have capacity for sophisticated technology? Humans have the Internet, utilizing the laws that govern deeper realms of matter, such as plasma and its interaction with the ionosphere. But a bee can spot his queen several kilometers away through sounds humans can’t hear; so does a whale communicate with its mate across several fathoms of ocean. The birds, in tune with nature, know when it is time to migrate. Humans can build pyramids, terraces and huge structures. But so can a spider weave intricate designs, while the caterpillar encloses itself in a cocoon to eventually emerge as the butterfly. Humans may perform cloning; but an earthworm can be simply cut to reproduce itself, while a silkworm can produce its own thread.  

                So, what is distinctively human?

It is the ability to reflect on his or her actions and create. A human being can do things differently and improve on its behavior. It can also transcend and look beyond its present circumstance. That transcendence enables it to think in terms of a past, present and future and in terms of generations. A human being can “tune in” with its hearts. In contrast, almost all other species do things over and over again in what is considered the limitations of their natural state.

Being human is a gift. It meant reflecting on and partaking in the world of creation and of discovering one’s purpose. It is like figuring out why a caterpillar metamorphoses to a butterfly. Each creature, big or small, is a stupendous natural art work that only a silent intelligence could create as part of a grand design. Humans have the capacity to see through that design with the mind and partake of a unified Life, through the heart.
Bodies of Man
             In the 1930s, Jung made extensive studies on the “Eastern tradition” which became a cornerstone of his works. In his book, Jung explains that a person is composed of a personality, an ego and a self.

Obviously, the human being has a physical body subject to physical and chemical laws. He also feels and thinks, he has emotions and a mind, respectively, which are explained in biochemistry as the interplay of the hormonal secretions and the various forms of neuro-transmitters, coordinated by the brain. These three elements make up the “matter” of the personality, considered (in esoteric psychology) to belong to the three “bodies” of the person that interpenetrate and are locked up in a distinct DNA pattern.

The personality is the product and vehicle of its ancestral history. Modern man has been shaped and molded into the present form by accumulative experiences of past generations extending far back into the dim and obscure beginning of humans. It may be described as the sum total of all the accumulated wealth of experiences of the human being as he goes through life. It may also refer to what separate him from others, as his composite nature observed in the way he behaves, speaks, walk, acts, thinks, responds to situations, all his acquired habits and idiosyncrasies.

When does the personality begin?

The orthodox view posits that the personality is shaped from the onset of birth, with the critical influence of the significant others – the parents, peers and the general environment. This view is an offshoot of the theory that the human being evolved from lower forms, such as the monkeys and ape and held that culture and civilization must guide the process of acculturation of the “instinctive” man towards being a cultured species.

However, the emerging view is that in the process of evolution, the human species have already acquired traits that are beyond animal forms – higher feelings, mental capacities and intuition and reflection. The personality is thus, already apparent at the time of conception, with the human characteristics already in the human genome. These foundations of the human being become recognizable on the third month, when the embryo acquires the liver and pancreas and heredity takes over.


Personality, Soul and Spirit

In Esoteric Psychology, a human being is a composite of three major aspects, the personality, soul and spirit-self. Depending on his degree of development or growth in consciousness, a person would be limited by his view of the world. But all aspects of oneself are present in him, just waiting to be remembered.


The personality, the main vehicle of an individual in the 3rd dimension, is formed out of material from the physical, emotional and mental planes, organized according to the primordial atom and DNA code, carrying unique behavioral trait and further molded by interactions with the environment.

Lower Mental
Emotional (Astral)
Physical – Etheric and Gross Physical

            The soul may be described as the totality of the moments of self-consciousness of a person as he continues to live. These include the aspirations, ideals and potentials accumulated in this lifetime or in previous lifetimes, which are imprinted into what is termed as causal body. The soul draws matter from the higher mental plane (arupa manas or abstract mind) and the next two higher planes, the fourth plane of intuition and the fifth plane of atma or will. The causal body, which is composed of matter from the higher mental (arupa) plane, is the vehicle for the soul, in the same manner that the physical body is the vehicle and the outward manifestation of the personality. The term causal is used to distinguish it from effect, i.e., the physical manifestation of the essence.

Will (Atmic or Monadic)
Intuition (Buddhic)
Mental (Abstract) – Causal Body
                The Spirit-self refers to the divine nature of man shared with all creations. It is the monad or “spark of life,” which carries the basic attributes of God, as all-powerful (Father), loving (Son) and knowing (Holy Spirit). It is that which is immutable and indwells in the personality and soul of man, which by this token, partakes in time and space.              


Active Intelligence (Knowingness)




                The Spirit-self is said to draw matter from the higher planes of the seventh (Adi or Pure Spirit), sixth (monadic or Concrete Spirit) and fifth (Atmic or Will Manifestation) planes. It resides and has its manifestation in the fifth plane, which is also its connection to the soul, the tri-fold atma-buddhi-manas (will-intuition-mind). One of the mysteries of life is that the divinity manifests in physical matter, gives it life, then forever recedes and serves as the guide, the way forward.  It reflects the process of the tri-fold manifestation of the spark of life, the unit of consciousness or monadic essence, in the world of creation and in the human being, as a creature in its image.



[1] Alice Bailey, Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, 1951; The Destiny of the Nations, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, 1990; and A Treatise on White Magic, Lucis Publishing Company, New York, 1991; Douglas Baker, The Seven Rays, Key to the Mysteries, Aquarian Press, Northamptonshire, 1977

[2] Carl Jung, Analytical Psychology: its Theory and Practice, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1968; C. Jung and W. Pauli, The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche: Synchronicity; and the Influence of Archetypal Ideas on the Scientific Ideas of Kepler, Pantheon Books, New York, 1955

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