Most of the blog entries were synthesized from various works. The original intent is to clarify for myself the information that had come. There was a need to ensure the integrity of the information received by cross checking them with others. With Theosophy and Ageless Wisdom as the basic framework, the “new information” must be in harmony. It must also resonate with a deeper reality within. I am sharing this synthesis with the view that it also assists the reader in clarifying and discerning for him/herself the truth, relative as it may seem.

The root doctrine of Ageless Wisdom is also the basis of the “esoteric (hidden) traditions” of most major world religions:
1. Cabbala of Judaism
2. Ancient Gnosticism, Essenes and Nazarene, and the Medieval Rosicrucian and Masonry in Christianity
3. What HP Blavatsky called “Esoteric Buddhism”
4. Sufism in Islam
5. Vedanta, Upanishads and Yoga of Hinduism

In the late 19th century, Helena P. Blavatsky (1831-1891)reintroduced the Ageless Wisdom through various works, such as “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled.” She called it "Theosophy;" she also established the Theosophical Society, under the guidance of Ascended Masters known to the world as Masters Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Khul (who purportedly appeared to the world as the Three Magi during the birth of Jesus).

Blavatsky claimed her main source as an ancient book called "The Book of Dzyan" (from the Sanskrit Dhayana, meaning "mystic meditation"). In c. 400 BC, the book found its way as the Chinese "C'han Philosophy" and the Japanese "Zen," both of which took root from Buddhism.

Blavatsky also wrote "The Voice of the Silence," derived from "The Book of the Golden Precepts," which she claimed had the same origin as the "Book of Dzyan." Many of the Golden Precepts can be read in the Bhagavad Gita. Another book, "Light on the Path," written by Mabel Collins, was also derived from this source. A third book, "At the Feet of the Master," written by J. Krisnamurti (at 15 years old) completes a trilogy, considered as the basic tenets of “Theosophy.”

After Blavatsky died, the society underwent changes and spawned several other groups, such as the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn (MacGregor Mathers), Fraternity of the Inner Light (Dion Fortune), the “new” Rosicrucians and “Masonry,” the Anthroposophical Society (Rudolf Steiner) and the World Order of the Star (J. Khrishnamurti).

Alice A. Bailey, formerly an associate of Theosophical Society, also spun off with her Lucis Trust. She authored 24 books on esoteric philosophy, guided by Master Djwal Khul (DK) for 30 years (1919-1949) on a more advanced presentation of the Ageless Wisdom. She founded the Arcane School, training aspiring world servers in esoteric work.

After Bailey, several "guided" authors advanced the Ageless Wisdom. The information from these authors was the basis for the Ageless Wisdom Updates.

Among the major sources for this synthesis are the writings of/from H.P. Blavatsky, C.D. Leadbeater and Douglas Baker of the Theosophical Society; Alice A. Bailey of the Lucis Trust; Janet MacClure of the Tibetan Foundation; Hilary Hargreaves and Mark Brittain of the School of Inner Light; Genesis 2012; Kryon, through Carroll Lee; and the Pleiadians, through Barbara Marciniak & Amorah Quan Yin. The sources were appropriately labeled.

This synthesis is divided (initially) into 5 parts:
Part I - The Logos and Creation (Planes, Dimensions, and Human Evolution)
Part II - The 12 Rays and Spiritual Hierarchy
Part III - Cosmic Humans/Groups & Elohims, Archangels and Secret Rays
Part IV - Humans: Chakras (Centers), DNA, Electromagnetic Forces, Light Bodies, Layers of Consciousness
Part V - Updates and further elaboration of the 4 Parts.
-- Earth, DNA and Humanity (3 Part Series)
-- Ageless Wisdom and the Book of Revelation (3 Part Series)
-- Esoteric Astrology (3 Part Series)
-- Global Calamities and Human Evolution (3 Part Series)

The presentations (entries) are from newest to oldest. That is, Part I is the earliest and thus the oldest entry.

Discernment is very important when dealing with Ageless Wisdom. Mastership, from the viewpoint of the Master DK, is about "mastery of oneself" and not about "having pupils." (DK's Introduction in Violet Starre's "The Diamond Light,"2000)

Dion Fortune (in "The Esoteric Orders and Their Works," p. 83) explained: “upon the mundane plane, it is impossible to escape from the limitations of the human personalities. A great occultist will make a great occult school, but upon his death the mantle may fall upon unworthy shoulders and the glory be departed or turned to corruption.” Fortune added: some (mystery schools) have flourished unchecked, feared and revered by the people they guided, sometimes fallen into evil ways as the degenerated voodoo schools. Some retained a noble tradition as in certain Indian and Chinese schools and monastic orders, accepted as part of racial life.

In the words of Khrisnamurti (“The First and Last Freedom”): “It is through self-knowledge, not through belief in somebody else’s symbols, that a man comes to the eternal reality, in which he is being grounded...Our system of upbringing is based upon what to think, not how to think.”

In the words of the Master DK, the Tibetan (Introduction of AABailey Books, 1935) who inspired this synthesis: “the books that I have written are sent out with no claim for their acceptance. They may or may not be correct, true and useful…If the teaching conveyed calls forth a response from the illumined mind of the seeker in the world, and bring a flashing forth of his intuition, then let that teaching be accepted. But not otherwise.”

From Master Kuthumi (through Michelle Eloff): “A liberated spirit never needs to hold onto anything because every moment provides what is needed, because the moment is perfect… your daily purpose makes up for your greater purpose on Earth. Do not waste time searching for the grand purpose of your life. Be present and embrace the purpose of the moment. Every moment has a purpose, which is why you are in it.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Global Calamities and Human Evolution, Part 2

This is Part 2 of the three-part series on Global Calamities and Human Evolution. It is focused on the geologic reasons behind the calamities.

Collective Amnesia

The existence and disappearance of ancient life (and civilizations) were inextricably woven with geological factors, such as periods of glaciations and pole shifts. During the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic era (c. 200 million years ago) the dinosaurs assumed dominance. Then they had a mass extinction in c. 70 million years ago.

How come scientists know so much about dinosaurs, but so little about human pre-history during the Pleistocene? How come we do not have any memory recall of pre-history except from geological and archeological records?

Our present setting was probably a result of ancient catastrophes, such as earthquakes due to continental drifting, pole shifts and Ice Ages, which may have affected collective recall.

Earth’s Lifetime

In 1971, an old rock, dated 3.8 billion years, was discovered by New Zealand geologist Vic McGregor at Isua, West Greenland.

In 1983, geologist Vic Compston from the Australian University in Canberra had collected tiny zircon crystals in Australia, dated 4.2 billion years old using an ion microprobe.

Geochemist Stephen Richardson found a diamond in the De Beers Finch Diamond Mine, near the Kalahari Desert, South Africa. By smashing the stones and liberating bits of garnet containing radioactive isotopes, the diamond was dated at 3.3 billion years.

In January 2001, geologist Simon Wilde of the Curtin University of Technology in Perth discovered a speck of zircon crystal, dated as the oldest rock at 4.4 billion years, just 160 million years after earth formed. The finding suggests that life may have evolved earlier than previously guessed.[1]

                Geologists divided the earth’s lifetime into four major stages or era.

·         The Proterozoic or Pre-Cambrian Era marked the beginning of life since 4 billion years ago.

·         The Palaeozoic Era (570-245 million years ago or mya) described ancient life in the waters. 

·         The Mesozoic era (245-65 mya) saw the emergence of life on land dominated by the reptiles, i.e., the dinosaurs.

·         The Cenozoic era (65 mya-present) saw the development of the mammals and primates.

                Each Era is divided into periods or epoch. The last two periods of the Cenozoic Era, the Pleistocene (3 million – 10,000 years ago) and Holocene (10,000 years ago-present), marked the emergence of humans and the attainment of civilization.

                Further, archeologists had classified pre-history in terms of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age (2 million to 10,000 BC), Middle Stone Age (10,000 BC to 8,000 BC) and New Stone Age (8000 BC to 3500 BC). Before the Sumerians, the people were considered primitive, albeit starting to develop more sophisticated stone tools.

How did the archaic Homo sapiens emerge and live?

During the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic era (c. 200 million years ago), dinosaurs assumed dominance. Then they had a mass extinction 70 million years ago. How? The existence and disappearance of the dinosaurs, like all life forms, were inextricably woven with a celestial and three geological factors. First, energies from the sun and other celestial bodies, “stardust” and falling meteors mixed with the “primordial soup” to breed life forms. Then the evolutionary process commenced, with more varieties and complex forms conditioned by the geological factors: (a) continental drifting, (b) periods of glaciations, and (c) pole shifts.

Evolution and the three geological factors existed until and after the emergence of the Homo sapiens.

Continental Drifts

In 1915, Alfred Wegener presented evidence that the continents were once united in a single landmass of 80 million square miles he called Pangaea (“all earth”), but broken up due to continental drifting.  In 1986, Dr, Jason Morgan substantiated the continental drift theory. The earth’s outer shell, the lithosphere, consisted of a dozen or so rigid geological plates, 60 miles (100 km.) in thickness that are in motion along great fissure points in the ocean basins. As they collide, one plate descends under the other, causing great deformation and crumbing of the crust. Islands could be alternately thrown up or engulfed by the sea due to the collision, volcanic eruption and earthquakes.[2]

About 190 million years ago, during the Jurassic period, the landmass broke-up into two super-continents, Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Laurasia was composed of Euro-Asia, Greenland and North America. Gondwanaland (named after Gondwana, India) was composed of Africa, Arabia, India, South America, Oceania and Antarctica. Oceania was composed of Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Pacific Islands. About 100 million years ago, when the South Pole was in the Sahara, Gondwanaland also broke apart, with South America drifting westward, forming the African west coast. Antarctica moved south, Australia to the east and Africa drifted slightly north. The movement of the plates brought continents to where they are now.[3]

James Churchward studied the “Caacal Tablet” from a Hindu priest and Explorer William Niven discovered a petroglyph in the Yucatan showing unknown continents on both sides of America, i.e., the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Among the 15,000 andesite stones from Ica, Peru, four glyptoliths showed unknown continents, which Dr. Javier Cabrera had validated as they appeared millions of years ago.[4]

            Rick Gore described ancient catastrophes, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes due to tectonic plates: “a slippery seed between a finger and a thumb – the Eurasian and Arabian plates.” Added Gore: “in 526, an earthquake killed 300,000 people according to historian Procopius…Plague hit in 542, Persian armies in 573. Another earthquake in 588 closed a devastating century.” Gore surmised: “The North Anatolian fault played a role in the formation of another Turkish Straight, the 38-mile long Dardanelles, which connect the Sea of Marmara with the Aegean. In 480 BC, Persian King Xerxes built a bridge of boats to prevent Greek invasion.”[5] 

Green House Ice Ages

According to geologists, the Pleistocene or Ice Age (3 million –10,000 BC) had at least four major glacier advances and three warming periods (interglacial). The last Ice Age began 75,000 years ago and underwent a mini-warming some 40,000 years ago. Then, 38,000 years ago, a harsher and colder period ensued, with ice sheets covering most of America and a substantial part of Europe. The ice sheets held so much water that ocean levels dropped, exposing land bridges that tied Asia with Australia and with the Beringia continent linking Siberia to North America. This enabled early human migration from Africa to Europe, Asia, Australia and America. About 13,000 years ago, the Ice Age ended and warming periods melted the glaciers and put Beringia back under the sea. 

                According to John Hamaker, (in his book Survival of Civilizations) glaciations were caused by the greenhouse effect, i.e., the rise of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide and methane. When the atmosphere reaches a critical level of greenhouse gases, heat is trapped and the ice age is activated. The greenhouse effect is tied to trees, minerals and population. When trees are cut down or die, carbon dioxide gets released. Likewise, the burning of fossil fuel and animals give off carbon dioxide as waste. Intensive wetland cultivation and the digestive tracks of large cattle populations would give off methane.

The time of the green house may take from three days to 90,000 years, depending on the theory applied. Hamaker explained that the Earth had a cycle of 90,000 years of ice, followed by 10,000 temperate years. The length of time it takes from a warm age is 20 years. When the 20 years is reached, in a single day, it will be ice, the clouds will back up over Earth, the average temperature will drop to 50 degrees below zero and most areas won’t see the sun. If the theory of the greenhouse Ice Age is applied, then a pre-deluge population explosion and massive forest destruction may have occurred prior to the last 3 million years, which resulted in a critical level of greenhouse gases.

Pole Shifts

In the new science of geomagnetics, geologists noted that the north-south magnetic field of Earth has reversed or shifted many times. By studying the magnetic characteristics of minerals, geologists assigned fossil bearing sediments to a particular magnetic era. The “fossilized direction” of the magnetic field in a rock sample and its comparison with the north-south orientation at the site would show the direction of the prehistoric magnetic field. Using Potassium/Argon (K/Ar) dating (i.e., it takes 1.26 million years for half the Potassium 40 to decay to Argon gas) would show the time for the pole shift. There were twelve reversals in the last 4 million years. The most recent periods are: 30,000-20,000 years ago and 890,000-690,000 years ago.

There are two major theories about pole shifts.

The theory of Auchincloss Brown, states that, if the weight of the ice keeps building up, eventually, like a spinning top, the South Pole begins to form off center, and then builds up rapidly until it breaks free from the centrifugal force of the Earth rotation and find a new pole that is centered.

The theory of Charles Hapgood (in Earth’s Shifting Crust and the Path of the Pole) posited that at least two layers of rock under the Earth’s crust liquefy at certain conditions. The crust of the Earth can slip over its main mass, while it continues its rotation.

A possible effect of a pole shift is memory loss. The earth had been observed to  be slightly tilted from its original axis; this may explain why birds, whales and dolphins, which uses the Magnetic North as guide for their migration go to places where they shouldn’t be.[6] 

Greenhouse Effect: Vital Signs

Moving forward to modern times, humanity has altered the ecosystem in an adverse way. On November 1992, a document entitled World’s Scientists Warning to Humanity was released. It began: “Human beings and the natural world are on a collision course. Human activities inflicted harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment or on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put a serious risk the future that we wish for human society and the plant and animal kingdom, and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner that we know.” [7]

In 2001, the population of the earth reached 6 billion, an average addition of 346 million every year. What are the implications of such a geometric rise in the population? Because of over-consumption, humans are consuming its natural capital. The non-renewable fossil fuels and minerals formed over eons are now being consumed or destroyed within decades. The same thing is happening with renewable resources – deep fertile agricultural soils, ground water, and biodiversity.

            The imbalance may also cut across ecosystems, i.e., countries. For example, the clearing of tropical forests, the major reservoirs of specie biodiversity, may be an attempt to provide farms for a rapidly growing population. But it may also be destroyed in part, to make pet food and convenient food for developed countries. A rich person thousands of miles away may cause more tropical forest destruction than a poor person within the forest itself.

            The world is getting warmer. As it approaches a critical level, according to John Hamaker, (in his book Survival of Civilizations) the effect would be very, very cold, an ice age descending within a few years.

            Humanity and the whole world sit at the crest of either ascension to higher heights, or a trough to a funeral pyre of ice and water, i.e., we are either transformed in love as one whole mystical body of Christ or live in fear under the spell of the beast from the sea.

[1] Discover, January 2002

[2] Harm de Blij & Peter Muller, Geography: Regions and Concepts, 5th ed., John Wiley and Sons, NY, p. 9; Charles Berlitz, Atlantis, the Eight Continent, Ballantine Books, New York, 1984, pp. 179-181

[3] Davies, Stardoom, p. 73; Druvalo Melchisedek, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. I, Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, AZ, 1998, 1998, p. 55

[4] Charles Berlitz, Mysteries from Forgotten Worlds, Rediscovering Lost Civilizations, Souvenir Press Ltd., 1972, pp. 45; James Churchward, “The Lost Continent of Mu,” (1968), quoted in D. Walleschinsky, “The Search for Atlantis,” in The People’s Almanac, Doubleday & Co., NY, 1975, p. 730

[5] Rick Gore, “Wrath of the Gods: A History Forged By Disaster,National Geographic, Vol. 128, July 2000, p. 52-70

[6] Melchisedek, pp. 55-57 

[7] Melchisedek, pp. 67-68

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